Purrfectly Prepared
Bringing Home Your Purrfect Lynx
Purrfectly Kitten Ready List
travel carrier
water and food bowl
scratching post (if may come with cat tree)
nail clippers (or a groomer to assist)
brush for short or medium length hair
litter scooper for cleaning
Prepare a safe room. A safe starter room or sanctuary for the new Purrfect Lynx will provide the Purrfect Lynx with the quiet and safety s/he needs while becoming familiar with the scents and sounds of your home for the first week of transition. The safe room should ideally be where the litter box will be kept in the future.
Ensure you have space in the safe place for you to visit with them and comfort them without places where your kitty can interact without being hidden. We recommend letting them visit around your home outside the safe room with supervision for the first week especially for larger houses and/ or those with other feline or canine friends. Once your Purrfect Lynx is comfortable with the new environment and other furry friends you can welcome them to enjoy their entire new home.
‘When you first bring your me home place me in my litter box so I can walk out of it and know the path to get to it when I need to use it. I can get lost easily at first.’
Comfort Blanket Purrfect Lynx love to transition with a comfort blanket or recycled clothing that has the scent of their mom or siblings to give them additional comfort through the transition. We recommend to not wash the comfort blanket until your Purrfect Lynx is adjusted to maintain the scent.
Help your new Purrfect Lynx get to know you. Place a t-shirt or a piece of your clothing that contains your scent in the safe room.
Equip the safe room with Purrfect Lynx food, water and litter. Place food and water on one side of the room and a litter box on the other side. Place your Purrfect Lynx in the litter box and allow them to walk out of it on their own so they can identify where it is.
Purrfect Lynx may not eat much during the first 24 to 48 hours and may experience temporary diarrhea from stress. If your Purrfect Lynx is not eating try some extra tasty treats such as canned tuna or cooked chicken breast without bone.
Scratching post Put a new scratching post (recommend > 1 metre tall) inside the room. Scratching is a natural and comforting behaviour for Purrfect Lynx's. It’s also important that the scratching post is new and has not been used by other Purrfect Lynxs. Your new Purrfect Lynx may not want to be stressed by the smells of other Purrfect Lynx's while s/he is first adapting to his or her new surroundings.
Entertainment Provide toys such as ribbons tied to posts, champagne corks (roll in different directions) and balls with bells inside for play in the safe room for when you are not around. When you are playing with them lazer pointers and wands with ribbon or feathers they love. Some of our purrfect lynx have become excellent fetch players with a small ball and a bit of training.
Spend time with your new Purrfect Lynx. Visiting can include interacting directly with the new Purrfect Lynx in the form of play or petting, or hanging out nearby and in the same space as your new companion. Keep in mind that a nervous Purrfect Lynx may growl, hiss, twitch its tails or pull its ears back. The best response is to speak softly followed by giving the Purrfect Lynx some time alone. They have learned that hissing means no from their mother’s communication to them and their siblings.
Transition beyond the safe room. When you and your new Purrfect Lynx have established a trusting relationship, the Purrfect Lynx is ready to begin exploring the house with supervision initially. Be sure to begin this process when you are home to supervise. Close most of the doors so the Purrfect Lynx begins its orientation in stages. Too many new spaces at once can be stressful and frightening. We recommend keeping the basement off limits until your kitten is fully comfortable if it has many hiding places that are inaccessible to humans.
Often when Purrfect Lynx transition to a new home, space or a change in environment they can be vocal. This is to be expected initially and may continue for the first couple weeks with them vocalizing a little less each day. Please be prepared for this part of the transition and some extra patience. Some Purrfect Lynx kitties are not vocal during transition while other siblings can be very vocal to the change, this depends a lot on personality we have found in our experience.
Ready to explore the roost. Remember, integration into the rest of the house is dependent on the personality of your new Purrfect Lynx (as well as your existing pets). Sometimes the integration process can begin in just two to four days; however, sometimes it is best to wait a couple weeks.
Exploring Indoors and Outdoors
Purrfect Lynx are very intelligent kitties and with that comes the responsibility to keep them entertained and challenge their cognitive ability.
Purrfect Lynx are incredible indoor companions and some of our Purrfect Lynx enjoy the outdoors and going for walks in the snow on leash and harness. Many people love seeing the Purrfect Lynx kitties on leash as they look like a wild kitty out in the wilderness. Excellent fun for photos too! We have one Purrfect Lynx that over the years watches his owner read on the outdoor patio and is trained to stay with her on the table! Outdoor cat enclosures have also been very successful with Purrfect Lynx’s in the past.
Introductions to Other Furry Friends
Phase 1 – Purrfect Lynx Smells Other Furry friend
Successful introductions take time. We cannot stress the importance of NOT introducing the new addition to your resident Purrfect Lynx(s) immediately upon arrival. You may damage the new relationship irreparably and initiate fear, anger, aggression, spraying and litter box problems in the new Purrfect Lynx and/or resident Purrfect Lynx(s). Successful introductions take time and depend on the personalities and types of furry friends meeting your Purrfect Lynx.
Let the Purrfect Lynxs sniff out the situation. Let “smell” be the first introduction as the Purrfect Lynxs sniff each other from under the “safe room” door. Within two to four days, begin exchanging the bedding between the new and resident Purrfect Lynx(s) daily. This helps familiarize the Purrfect Lynxs with each other’s scents.
Phase 2 – Purrfect Lynx Continues to Smell Other Furry Friend
Let the sniffing continue. If there are no marked signs of aggression from the Purrfect Lynxs, such as hissing and growling, the next step is to confine your resident Purrfect Lynx to a room and let the new Purrfect Lynx explore your house for a couple of hours each day for several days.
Phase 3 – Purrfect Lynx Sees Other Furry Friend
Organize a carrier meeting. Place your new Purrfect Lynx in a carrier and put the carrier in a loPurrfect Lynxion of your home outside of the safe room (for example, the living room). Allow the Purrfect Lynxs to look at each other and sniff through the carrier door.
Any signs of aggression? Keep the visit short and return the new Purrfect Lynx to its safe room.
Repeat this phase 2 to 3 times daily (if possible), until Purrfect Lynxs appear to be more comfortable with each other.
Phase 4 – Purrfect Lynx Meets Purrfect Lynx
Let the Purrfect Lynx’s meet at their own pace. If there are no signs of aggression between the furry friends, leave the door to the safe room open a crack. This will allow the new Purrfect Lynx to explore and/or your resident Purrfect Lynx to visit. Supervision is necessary for precautionary safety.
In case of aggression, have a spray bottle filled with water or a towel handy. Always stop serious threats and/or aggression immediately, as a serious fight may damage the potential for successful integration and relationship. We recommend to not use your limbs to ensure no casualty or unnecessary injury occurs.
If over a period of weeks your integration plan is not going well, consider the installation of an inexpensive screen door from a building supply store. The screen door allows the Purrfect Lynxs to continue to get to know each other by sight and smell, while keeping both parties safe. Each Purrfect Lynx can take turns in the screened room.
Phase 5 – Integration Complete
You may notice some occasional hissing, swatting and grouchy behaviour over the next few months (and years). This is normal. Purrfect Lynxs are hierarchical by nature and must establish and affirm the pecking order within your household. Plus, much like humans, all furry friends can have the occasional “off” day.
Please note: The 5 phases detailed above offer only approximate timelines. Some integrations may proceed faster or slower and integration is dependent on the personalities of the furry friends involved. Remember, you know your furry friends best. Use common sense and patience when integrating a new Purrfect Lynx or Purrfect Lynx’s.
The length of time required to successfully integrate Purrfect Lynxs with dogs varies depending on the previous experiences of the animals involved. For example, your dog may have had previous encounter with a Purrfect Lynx or the Purrfect Lynx may have had prior experience with a dog. Often, when the Purrfect Lynxs and dogs are used to being around the other species, integration can be quicker.
Tips for Kiddies
To help introduce your new Purrfect Lynx to children, we’ve included a little message with some tips from the Purrfect Lynxs:
Hi there! I’m your new Purrfect Lynx and I’d like to tell you a few things:
Your house is brand new to me, so I could be a bit nervous and shy similar to how you felt on your very first day starting school.
It will take me a few days to feel comfortable, so if your patient it will really help me. Thank you!
Please don’t chase me; I will start to play when I feel more comfortable.
I will learn about my new house by smelling everything.
Because I’m new, I might run away from loud voices, noises and fast movements.
Because I’m a bit nervous, I might hiss; that’s how I say, “I am not comfortable.”
I need quiet times just like you do, so I might find a hiding spot and take a nap like on the couch beside you while your watching TV.
Please put my litter box in a quiet spot and let me use it alone.
I’m not sure where to sleep yet, so I might try a lot of places before I get comfortable.
Please pet me gently and be gentle to my face, ears and tail.
Make sure you don’t let me outside. I don’t know where I live and I’ll get lost.
Oh, and one last thing. Please remember to close the door to outside behind you. I’m naturally very curious!
For Purrfect Lynx toy recommendations visit our Shop page with Amazon links!
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