You are meowt of this world! | Meow and furrever!So fortunate to have our Purrfect Simba! | When your King!Confidence comes with pounds! 15+ pound Simba knows. |
Tasty!!Favourites are tuna, chicken & turkey!!! | ||
Playing & Chasing!!! | ||
Those Eyes! | Rossette Gold BengalOur Purrfect Siarra | |
Polydactyl PawsPreferred trait of polydactyl on all four paws. | Simba HeadshotIntroducing Simba our King PurrfectLynx | Simba in his favourite treeOne of the Purrfect Lynx favourite spots. |
Simba Loves Head PetsPet me more! | Simba - The King!Simba observing the evening with his pointed ears and stunning sepia snow markings. | Paws, Fur and CuddlesHe may look fierce and wild but he loves pets and showing off those paws! |
Blue by NightBlue's Evening Look Observing the House. |
Queen Porsha 蓝色手套
Porsha Blue Mittens 是一只蓝色高地猞猁,展示了她卷曲的耳朵、独特的豹纹和华丽的毛绒皮毛。她携带着罕见的猞猁特征,即多指趾,每只前爪多出两个脚趾,每只重达 8 磅的后爪多出一个。她的性格可以很容易地描述为“社交蝴蝶” 。她喜欢社交、拥抱,随时准备玩她最喜欢的玩具!
Porsha 是一位令人难以置信的母亲,并且具有强烈的母性本能,因为她确保她的小猫得到持续的照顾、养育和大量的修饰!她对她的小猫和人类的爱让她在这个不断循环的圈子中穿梭于人类和小猫之间寻找宠物和舔舐。她崇拜她的人类朋友的爱和关注,并炫耀她的小猫。
2022 年更新: Porsha 将在不久的将来退休,这是一个苦乐参半的消息!
2021 年更新: 蓝皇后退休了,和我们的母亲一起爱着她的家。
辛巴是沙漠猞猁 一个令人惊叹的血统书,展示了他的棕褐色斑纹、雪色、尖尖的猞猁耳朵、自然短尾和多趾 四个爪子(5 个额外的 脚趾)。辛巴强壮而肌肉发达的体格,以及与他的大猫尺寸相匹配的英俊色彩,使他具有异国情调的外观和家猫的个性。辛巴是一只重 15 磅的大型猫科动物。
他喜欢被家人宠爱,是一只对他最好的人类朋友非常忠诚的猫。 他喜欢观察周围的环境并在他最喜欢的栖息处放松。辛巴真的活了 以他的狮子王为灵感的名字!
Snow Polydactyl Blue Eyed Meowdel 她是完美的女王!
糖是超级社交的,外向的,喜欢被拥抱!对于新老朋友和家人来说,Sugar 女士没有任何害羞或胆怯的地方!
Sugar 在 2021 年迎来了她的第一只小猫,并且一直是一位细心和有爱心的妈妈,让她的小猫很快达到了他们的里程碑!
Spice is the first to check out something new and loves to be entertained by anything new. She is confident and curious!
Spice insists on meeting you first and will bud her way through regardless if there are other kitties around.
Spice makes a game out of everything from the string on your sweater to the feather flying in the sky, life is always fun with this girl.
Spice showcases curled ears, calico colouring, green eyes and the most loving personality with little ones and adults. She features regular paws (no polydactyl paws) and has been a pet kitty, having no kittens previously.
Born in spring, 2020.
Snow Polydactyl Blue Eyed Meowdel 她是完美的女王!
糖是超级社交的,外向的,喜欢被拥抱!对于新老朋友和家人来说,Sugar 女士没有任何害羞或胆怯的地方!
Sugar 在 2021 年迎来了她的第一只小猫,并且一直是一位细心和有爱心的妈妈,让她的小猫很快达到了他们的里程碑!